Pastoral / spiritual care

We will support you as a patient or relative at your request and according to your current needs.

Whether you have had an accident or an illness yourself or it is a family member who is ill or has been injured, you may be experiencing all manner of thoughts and feelings. You may be feeling weighed down by questions, fears, doubts, hopes or worries about your own life or that of your relative. You may be preoccupied about the meaning of life, questions of faith and how to move on with your life.

Pastoral/spiritual care offers you the opportunity to speak about what is on your mind at this very moment. We are happy to hear your concerns, questions and needs. Prayers, blessings or religious services can help you to rediscover peace and restore your strength.

The relatives of patients who are in a coma will decide if they would like a visit as they know the person's needs.

As providers of pastoral/spiritual care, we have sworn an oath of secrecy. Pastoral/spiritual care is a service which is available to everybody, regardless of their denomination or religion. We will gladly put you in touch with someone of the same native language, denomination, religion or religious community as you.

Pastoral services available at the day care unit

Discussion groups are held in the day care unit from time to time. Please ask the ward manager for more information.

Details of current Advent and Christmas events can be found at the information points.

Church services

Patients and relatives can attend services in the Burgfelderhof nursing home.

  • Second Thursday of every month, Roman Catholic service
    10.30 a.m., 4th floor, multipurpose room
  • First Friday of every month, Protestant service
    10.30 a.m., 4th floor, multipurpose room
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